Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Domestic violence research papers

Many young people who are involved in dating relationships experience unhealthy and abusive behaviors, but the problem is often overlooked because the relationship is less likely to be viewed as long-term or dependent in nature. For example, victims with limited resources may look to law enforcement as their best option to keep them safe. Similarly, there is no way to identify a victim prior to the person's victimization because this form of violence is pervasive in all cultures, faiths, educational levels, income levels, and sexual orientations. To this end, the deleterious effects of homophobia and heterosexism cannot be discounted in the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) survivors of IPV [interpersonal violence]. In reality, batterers use a cycle of power and control to keep their partner in the relationship. Victims of domestic violence are familiar with what is called the cycle of violence, which consists of three stages that victims of domestic violence continually cycle through at the hands of their batterers. L Mitchell, Domestic violence in Australia-an overview of the issues, Background note, Parliamentary Library, Canberra, 2011; K Carrington and J Phillips, Domestic For example, as a result of mandatory arrest policies, female arrests for domestic violence have increased dramatically because often, officers who respond to domestic violence calls are unsure which partner is the primary aggressor. Free research paper on Domestic Violence: Domestic violence represents a serious and long-standing problem in the United States as well as many other parts of the world. I was wondering if you think it is possible to work things out in an abusive relationship. My fiancé and I have not been together long and we are both very young (21). The development of domestic violence courts has indicated that the judicial system views domestic violence differently from other crimes and that it therefore needs its own system of offender processing. For example, a mandatory arrest policy takes the decision out of the hands of the victims, and therefore the batterer should not hold the victim responsible for his or her prosecution. Another commonly accepted myth is that domestic violence can only occur in instances of physical aggression. Expert. As previously mentioned, physical, sexual, and psychological violence, stalking, and dating violence are different types of abuse experienced by victims of domestic violence on a daily basis. Batterers often use the victim's demeanor to manipulate the situation by lying about what had transpired and denying that they perpetrated violence.

One explanation behind domestic abuse is that the perpetrator suffers from certain mental disorders that lead him to seek psychological gratification through dysfunctional relationships. Having fewer social systems in place to support change leaves the criminal justice system with increased responsibility to produce results. A more widely accepted theory from the feminist school of thought, gender role theory is a perspective that sees institutionalized patriarchy as an explanation for domestic violence. Tsai concluded that the primary effectiveness of Quincy's coordinated system stems from its ability to increase the victim's sense of empowerment through an adequate provision of legal and community resources. Although apologies are made, batterers tend to minimize the abuse they inflicted on the victim. Stereotypical beliefs about gender roles and expectations may lead others to think that women are not capable of battering and that men cannot be labeled as victims. The National Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence. An Oifig Náisiúnta um Fhoréigean Baile, Gnéasach agus Inscnebhunaithe a Chosc However, there are a few notable differences between dating violence within adolescent and young adult couples (high school and college age) and domestic violence within older couples who perhaps live together, have children in common, or are married. As reported by NCADV (2008), in many states the criminal and civil domestic violence laws only apply to victims who are married to, cohabitate with, or have a child in common with the perpetrator. In September 2007, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV, 2007) conducted a 24-hour point-in-time survey known as the National Census of Domestic Violence Services. Ideally, cases are assigned to specific judges who specialize in domestic violence cases. A few studies have reported that males are victims of domestic violence in similar numbers to women (Straus, 1999); however, it is often argued that domestic violence perpetrated by women toward male victims rarely result in injuries as serious as those experienced by female victims of male perpetrators (Stets & Straus, 1990). Roulette spielregeln backgammon set Abuse or domestic violence in relationships. QUIZ: Warning signs of abuse in relationships and families; Stories and advice about surviving domestic violence The criminal justice system has made substantial improvements and changes pertaining to domestic violence offenses over the past 15 years. Coker (2000) also discusses the consequence of having resources focused on arrests to the detriment of other benefits to victims, such as social programs leading to empowerment through education and job training. In addition, mandatory arrest policies send a punitive message to batterers and to the community that the criminal justice system responds to the crime of domestic violence in a harsh manner and holds offenders accountable.

Domestic violence research papers

Examples of stalking behaviors include following the victim, sending unwanted gifts and notes, repeated harassment such as phone calls or showing up at the victim's place of work, and other behaviors that a stalker uses to inappropriately invade the victim's life. While the statutory term for domestic violence in most states usually includes other family members besides intimate partners, such as children, parents, siblings, sometimes roommates, and so forth, practitioners typically apply the term domestic violence to a coercive, systemic pattern of physical, sexual, or psychological abuse between intimate partners. Learn more about identifying and preventing domestic violence and sexual assault through these downloadable studies. The domestic violence movement, with the help of the women's movement, has made many strides toward improving the criminal justice system's response to the crime of domestic violence. Although there is no specific way to identify a batterer before the abuse starts, the following are some common red flags to be aware of in a relationship: extreme jealousy or possessiveness, the need for control, rigid stereotypical views on gender roles, isolation from friends and family, economic control, extreme insecurity regarding the self or the relationship, and constantly checking up on or questioning the other's whereabouts. Significant variations exist from state to state in the degree to which new laws have been adopted and in prosecution rates for offenders. Advocates and the legal system began to grapple with an emerging need for across-the-board legal processes that could successfully resolve the social, human, and legal dilemmas pertaining to domestic violence cases. Domestic violence is the attempt by one person to obtain power and control over his or her intimate partner through psychological, physical, or sexual abuse. Services are fraught with potentials for re-victimization that pivots on homophobia, transphobia and heterosexism. For example, police training as it existed in Chicago 40 years ago provided no training for domestic violence; however, it did include 1 hour of instruction on dealing with disturbances in general, out of a total 490 hours of training (Parnas, 1967). As defined by the National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC, 2008), stalking is a pattern of repeated, unwanted attention, harassment, and contact. Overall, the relationship between gender and dating violence is one that needs to continue to be explored because there are many questions that current research is unable to answer. While a relationship does not need to include physical or sexual violence to be abusive, any prior acts or threats of physical or sexual violence do constitute psychological violence. Also during that time, 20,582 domestic violence hotline calls were answered across the country. What has emerged over the years, however, are common programming aspects that are usually indicative of a more progressive specialized court. But abusers may differ from one another when it comes to the reasons why they seek to increase their power through abuse. While this explanation rings true for many couples in abusive relationships, it fails to explain the occurrence of domestic violence within lesbian and gay relationships. In many states, the law simply overlooks victims of dating violence when it comes to protection. The domestic violence movement, also referred to as the battered women's movement, has a long history, although it picked up steam with the advent of the feminist movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Companies! Some feel that as a result of the increased risk for arrest, victims of domestic violence may be less likely to contact the police, thus risking their safety and further enabling the abuser. Often, however, screening is hampered by poor technology or limited information exchange. Domestic violence research paper topics can be divided into seven categories: Victims of domestic violence, Theoretical perspectives and correlates to domestic violence, People also assume that as soon as a victim leaves her abuser, she is safe.

It did not take long, however, for the practice community to realize that there were going to be several unintended consequences of mandatory arrest policies. You can use our professional writing services to order a custom research paper on domestic violence and get your high quality paper at affordable price. This makes it hard to understand the quantitative data, and it makes it difficult to move forward on the best way to educate the community and respond to the issue given the fact that nondating violence research indicates that women are significantly more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence compared to men. Early research on adolescent dating violence suggested that females were more likely than males to be victimized by their dating partners (Roscoe & Kelsey, 1986). Nationally, all 50 of the United States have implemented anti-stalking laws and protective orders for victims. The underlying commonality behind all types of abusive behaviors associated with domestic violence is the intent to gain power and control over one's partner or ex-partner through patterns of physical, sexual, or psychological abuse. The world's largest domestic violence research data base, 2,657 pages, with summaries of 1700 peer-reviewed studies. Domestic Violence Worldwide (4 hours) Despite the many ways in which the criminal justice system has evolved in its response to domestic violence in the past 40 years (Parnas, 1967), there is still much more work to do in the fight against domestic violence. In addition, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (2005, 2006) reports that females represent an overwhelming majority of family violence victims, spousal abuse victims, and dating violence victims, with women at the greatest risk for intimate partner violence between the ages of 20 and 24. Dissertation (etc) for me. As such, an abuser who expects his partner to fill a traditionally subservient feminine gender role may resort to power and control behaviors to assert his power in the relationship.

Examples of these include case assignment, specialized judges, screening for related cases, intake units and case processing, service provision, and case monitoring. Abuse rarely happens just once. Other issues such as the need for control; the misuse of power; and what constitutes a healthy, functioning relationship must be worked on as well. Young people in relationships today do not necessarily view their relationships as long-term, as relationships were once assumed to be. Limited Time Offer, Buy It Now! It is theorized that the disparity stems from a stronger likelihood for police to arrest suspects of color, as it has been shown that African American women are more likely to alert authorities when domestic violence has occurred. Because these cases typically include extenuating concerns pertaining to children, property, finances, and victim safety, they necessitate legal services and procedures that are different from those in regular courts. The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to domestic violence: Domestic violence - pattern of abusive behaviors by one or both partners NGO that conducts research on prostitution, pornography & trafficking, & offers education & consultation to researchers, survivors, the public & policymakers.

In addition, one of the easiest ways to acquire an overall understanding of the basic elements of domestic violence is to debunk commonly believed stereotypes. The court system has seen a large influx of domestic violence cases since the implementation of mandatory arrest laws for offenders. Domestic Violence Speech One out of three women around the world has been beaten or otherwise abused during her lifetime. Domestic violence can be defined Many feminists profess ambivalence because they want to hold law enforcement accountable for keeping citizens safe, but they also feel that often a police officers' power comes at the expense of women, particularly women of color and women of lower socioeconomic status (Coker, 2000). Since it was organized in 1994, the NRCDV has provided operational support to the Domestic Violence Resource Network (DVRN), which currently includes two national According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (2008), 30 states and the District of Columbia have domestic violence laws that are gender neutral and include dating partners as well as those living together. Find A+ essays, research papers, book notes, course notes and writing tips. Millions of students use StudyMode to jumpstart their assignments. How to! In reality, abuse victims are in the most danger after the relationship has ended. Finally, many believe the myth that abusers just have anger issues-that the battering can be stopped through anger management courses. Scholars have had a difficult time developing explanations for the occurrence of domestic violence. Legislation in regard to abuse within GLBT relationships is limited.
Domestic violence exists within all cultures, ethnicities, faiths, age groups, education levels, income levels, and sexual orientations. Domestic Violence 2012 Domestic Violence Domestic violence is a serious problem, which occurs in many countries. In.. In fact, many batterers abuse alcohol or drugs, but it is not an excuse for their violence, as not all abusers are alcoholics or addicts and not all alcoholics or addicts abuse their partners. For this reason, many organizations concerned with domestic violence focus their attention and services specifically on violence against women and their children. Accordingly, official data may reflect a disproportionate number of men of color as domestic violence offenders, which promotes racial stereotypes and leads to the overpolicing of people of color (Chesney-Lind, 2002). Essay writing company. The fact of the matter is that although many abusers batter when they are angry, they are using violence to maintain power and control over their partner. Many women find it difficult to break out of the cycle of violence because of the new hope that comes out of the honeymoon stage, which is a reminder that their partner has the capability of also being a good person and isn't always a bad person. If a participant cannot communicate an understanding of and willingness to engage in a sexual act for any reason, including but not limited to disability, illness, and alcohol or drug intoxication, and the sex act is nonetheless attempted or completed by a perpetrator, an act of sexual violence transpires. The batterer will typically ask for forgiveness and shower the victim with various presents as an expression of love and commitment to the relationship.

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